Friendship, Fun and Faith for boys in Grades 1-8 during Wednesday Jubilee Night
Cadets is a relationship-building club program created especially for boys! Boys in grades 1-8 are invited to join us on Wednesday nights from September to May from 6:30-8:00pm at the church.
In the Cadets club, boys will:
Engage in Bible studies where they will learn how God is a part of their daily lives
Develop life skills through different badge activities
Participate in different area-wide Cadet Corps activities such as the annual snow derby, cub-car races, and Cadet-a-ree
Enjoy fun outings.
In the Cadet program, the boys are mentored by Christian men who dedicate their time and energy to leading the boys into a living relationship with Jesus. The boys develop friendships with each other and with their counselors.
If you would like to register your son(s) for the Cadet program, please contact the Jubilee church office.
Click Here to Givehttps://jubileefellowshipcrc.churchcenter.com/giving/to/calvinist-cadet-corps